01/09/98 21:33
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(No Foreign Nationals)
Courtesy of Glenn Eckfeld

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We were working Mids one night and one of the Tech Controllers says:
"There's a guy on the phone from the State Dept."
So I take the call ... it's about 4AM,
The guy sez :
"I'm so & so from State Dept and I want to talk to the Post Commander now!"
I asked why.He said :
"check msg xxxxx sent to Melbourne and get the Col out of bed and down to the CRS."

I checked the message. It had a 'straggler'.'Straggler' was TS/SCI/CAT III NOFORN----from Lyndon Johnson to all ambassadors in the Far East.
LBJ It outlined a plan to screw up Austrailia's economy if they didn't send more troops to NAM.
[LBJ wouldn't do that .. would he??? yuk yuk - Ed.]

When you sent on the Melbourne & Hong Kong circuits you had to underline the routing indicators, classification and scan the entire tape, plus send test msgs every half hour that had 'NOFORN' and 'US EYES ONLY'. These would stop the transmitters.

Well the guy sending didn't check out this tape all the way!!
Col. comes down and get ass chewed from State Department----
NUG gets busted from E4 to E1 at 7AM.

- Glenn Eckfeld

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