bigasa.gif - 1.6 K Army Security Agency
TUSLOG Det 4 - 1972
Courtesy of Dave Shively
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TUSLOG Det 4 - 1972

© Copyright Dave Shively 1997 All Rights Reserved

Dave Shively,33C20
I was at Devens in '69-'71 going to school as an Intercept Receiving Systems Repairman 33C2O. After Deven I went to Ft. Bliss to the Cefirm Leader project but all the planes except for a couple of slicks were at McDonnel-Douglas getting the mission equipment installed. The 2 slicks eventually went to St. Louis also, so we had no planes at all. I was then transfered to Sinop, Turkey (Det 214) but only spent 10 months there before the early-outs were being handed out because of the slowdown in Vietnam.