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FAQ - Links etc.
Some people call them links. But that can be confusing.There are internal and external links. A link is a picture or text area that turns the cursor into a finger pointing hand when the cursor comes in contact with it. Sometimes there will be a border around the picture and the text will be underlined and in a different color. But not always. Clicking on this pic or text (called "internal" or "external" links) will take you to another page or picture.
An "internal" link takes you to another page or picture located in the same website (a "directory/sub directory" on a server's hardrive)
An "external" link takes you to a page or picture that is located on another individual's website which is located either on another server or another location on the same server.
A "server" is nothing but a computer with a lot sof hard drive space,RAM ,speed, a bunch of modems,a special connection to the phone company,and usually a UNIX operating system that is connected to the Internet.
It is through the servers that we communicate on the Net.
When you are sending email, it's not really going from your computer to the other guys. Its going from you to your server and from your server to his server. Depending on location, it might go to many other servers before getting to his (like maybe a stop at Ft. Meade!). Then from his server to him, yuk yuk Got it?
The Links on the ASA Homepage Links Page will be taking you to other web sites on the net. Not to another place on the ASA website.

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